Clare Roullier

Great Yarmouth

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I was born in Jamaica but my parents returned to England when I was very young and I was raised in Surrey. After falling in love with this area in the early 2000s my Husband and I moved here 3 years ago. We are both keen walkers and I love reading and gardening.

I am a committed Christian who believes in the sanctity of life. God tells us that he knit us together in our mother’s womb and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139). Science shows us that life begins at fertilisation. Reality shows us that abortion kills a baby who is a distinct, unique human being and harms many women mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically.

I am standing to protect unborn babies; to support women in challenging pregnancies; and to seek reparation for women harmed by abortion.

If you agree please vote Clare Roullier.