Keith Hayden
York Outer

Hello, I’m Keith. In 1957 I was an unborn baby waiting to enter this world…… growing…. in secret! For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb….
(from the Holy Bible, Psalm 139:13)
I believe we are all unique and special, wonderfully made, and that our right to life is the most important one, whatever our age, gender, race, belief or stage of development.
Now a retired teacher, I’ve lived in York for 8 years and greatly enjoy and appreciate living in this beautiful historic city. With my lovely wife I thank God for life’s many blessings – we have a wonderful daughter, amazing son-in-law, plus 5 precious grandchildren! We love working on our allotment, especially now when the land starts yielding fruit and vegetables.
York with its surrounding villages and beautiful countryside has huge potential to be a leading example of good living, sound business, growing enterprise and compassion to all, including the disadvantaged.
Last year it was a privilege to coordinate the King’s Gospels, a unique coronation gift of a beautifully bound set of the 4 books – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - handwritten by over 2000 people in York. The word ‘Gospel’ means ‘Good News!’, and we could all do with more of that!
This initiative involved 17 local schools as well as 25 local church and community groups. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
LIFE! It’s God’s gift to us all and I’m standing to protect yours and that of the next generation.
We may think our nation is in a mess, and heading for unknown disasters: financial uncertainties,wars and their fallout, climate issues, the cost of living, housing problems, the explosion of knife crime, the huge challenges for the many selfless NHS staff as well as patients’ needs, emergency services and those working in education, business, farming, engineering and construction.
As your independent candidate I would want to see all lives protected and nurtured, and encourage everyone to discover how our gifts, skills and attributes can help improve life at home, in work, community and wider society.
I long to see our society return to true Christian values based on the Bible, so that we:
1) Recognise the sanctity of human life,
2) Respect marriage, family and caring for others
3) Honour our responsibilities within our communities.
Thank God that 80 years ago, as a nation, we were miraculously rescued from disaster when King George VI, the father of our late Queen Elizabeth II, called national days of prayer. We need it again – now!
Everyone is special; we are all uniquely made in God's image! There is HOPE!
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