Sharon McLafferty

Washington & Gateshead South

I came from Glasgow originally and was brought up Catholic. After we left in 1989 we moved to Chester in England I became a born again Christian at 23 years old in 1991. However, in 1987 at 18 years old I became pregnant and was abandoned by my partner and was devastated. My gut instincts were originally for life but out of huge fear and not feeling ready I sadly chose abortion. I was 10.5 weeks. I was strongly warned against it by my very loving family and good friends. I wish I had listened. Years later in 1996 when I received the love of the Father God in an instant I received His love for me, His love for life of the unborn and then the bitter tears of regret came.

I am now fiercely passionate about the unborn and want them saved. I do not want women to suffer the trauma, pain and grief that I have. Abortion is a trauma. For me running in Washington and Gateshead South as an Independent Candidate for Vote Life is because now this is a heart mission and I very much want not only many babies saved but women from the horror and trauma of abortion that they are not told about. Abortion regret is also real and so is the grief.

I am doing this out of love for the unborn and for women. This is not easy for me to share and has taken much courage to do so but if my story can help save even one life then it will be worth sharing. Now is the time to speak up for the unborn and give the baby a voice in this General Election in July 2024

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