Sarah Barber


At a young age I became acutely aware of the humanity of the baby in the womb. I had the privilege of seeing my younger sister moving about on an ultrasound screen when I was four years old. I also remember losing three of my siblings to miscarriage over the following 10 years and the grief that accompanied each life lost.

Now a married woman who has experienced many years of infertility and suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, I am even more aware of the inherent value of each human being. I am not a strong woman but I do serve a strong God. It is He who upholds me as I take this stand for women who have been deeply affected by abortion and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, specifically the unborn. Over 250,000 babies are killed by abortion each year in England and Wales. Ten million, since 1967 abortion act. If you believe women and children deserve better than abortion, vote Sarah Barber on 4th July.

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